Blog posts

How to Hack the Mindful Scroll

I’m here to free you from the mindless scroll. We’re breaking out of this place. We’ve been wrongfully imprisoned and we are no longer doing the time. I’ve already dug the tunnel and thought through the escape plan. Are you in? 

Here’s the thing. Social media matters. There, I said it. It’s an amazing way to connect with others, stay informed, gain information, develop ideas, and be inspired. Engaging responsibly with social media is more complicated than the directive to “put down our phones.” 

Mindfulness is all about being fully present in the moment while acknowledging thoughts, feelings, and the impact of outside influences. We may not remember what we’ve just read while scrolling, but our brains process and store bits of information along the way. This information influences our thoughts and behavior. That’s not always a bad thing, but how do we make it meaningful? 

Be intentional. 

  1. Filter the feed. There’s no need to formally unfollow anyone here, but that scroll will go on for days if you let it. I use bookmarks to save feeds I’d like to follow and categorize them by content. Friends, influencers, products, home ideas, project inspiration…each section creates a filtered feed that allows me to stay focused.

  2. What are you looking for? Even if you’re checking socials in your spare time, what are you hoping to find? If you’re hoping to connect, stick with friends and family. If it’s inspiration, search by topic or someone you already know that provides that content. With a goal in mind, you are more likely to catch yourself going down a rabbit hole. All of a sudden your 7 feeds away from Kevin Bacon and you have NO IDEA how you got there. It’s a slippery slope, friend.

  3. Use a timer. I know. LAME. Bookmarks are helpful, but your feed does need to be refreshed from time to time. Before entering the abyss, be sure you only use the time you have allotted.

  4. Unfollow as needed. Shhh girl. It’s fine. Sometimes you need to silence that feed. It leaves you feeling unsettled, comparing, or taking two steps back. You’ve come too far to let that happen. How are you going to let your freedom be robbed right out from under you in YOUR FREE TIME?

  5. Put down your phone. BLEH. I hate that I just said that, but you’ve gotta know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em. I’ve learned not to look at my phone when we’re getting ready in the morning. It took far too many disastrous mornings for that to sink in. This boundary extends to family time, making/eating meals, before/after school, when I’m breathing. Just kidding on that last one. I get pulled into the vortex and when I feel myself ignoring what my kids are saying (like the MONSTER I AM), I put down the phone and regroup.

  6. Take your seat. One of the biggest things I learned at She Speaks is that numbers matter. I can’t tell you how many conversations I had with women that were torn between growing their platform and not selling out. Publishers liked their work but needed to see MORE. This tension is so confusing when the goal is meaningful impact. However, you can be assured of this. YOU MATTER.

I want to encourage you to engage with the people you follow in a way that supports their growing content.

You can make a difference! You provide feedback that allows others to know what works and what doesn’t. And by works, I don’t just mean "gets the likes.” Every time you comment, repost, or share a page, or save to Pinterest, you allow that person to grow organically and authentically. You connect more deeply with their work and they are challenged to press on. It’s a win-win.

What are some of the ways you keep your scroll in check?
