Blog posts

What's Your Word?

If you could think of one word to describe your hopes for the year ahead, what would it be?

My word is reconnect. I began last year with the word “fearless” in mind and started writing. In order for it to be more than a hobby, I’ve made sacrifices in my time to develop new skills. Not only did I struggle with new fears, but I learned the limits of my time and energy. I constantly felt like I was robbing Peter to pay Paul when it came to balancing it all. What does that even mean? I’ve asked myself that a lot lately, but I don’t have time to figure out if I’m using the saying the right way. You get the idea. 

I have felt so frustrated and overwhelmed by the less glamorous parts of parenthood. Getting ready for school, making lunches, doing homework, NOT having screen time, preparing meals that are boo’d before the even hit the plate, dogs that BARK, arguing kids, bedtime…the list goes ON. Your list goes on too, doesn’t it? My motto has been “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit,” but I’m not sure I like me as the unfun mom.

My goal for this year is to connect with my closest people in new ways. I don’t want to just get through the everyday stuff. The thought of trying new things does alert my brain to the possibility of failure. However, becoming fearless is not about waiting until you will do things perfectly; it’s about having courage even though things might not go as planned.

Will you join me in this? Let’s take the mundane and make it meaningful. It won’t cost a thing and with a little planning, can be done in the time we have. This year, let’s take our long list of “have to’s” and turn them into “want to’s.”

Jen Hoffman